After passing the bridges, we did up the mast on the water. There is no buoy so a person is driving slowly, other people are upping the mast carefully. The area is not narrow and long, but it is not huge and not short. The sailboat was rounding the area until the mast up because it would not calm water at the end of the river. (The area is the big ship harbour. Sometimes, a big ship is leaving from the harbour. If the big ship is doing ready, you should do the masu up quickly because the ship takes a long time and the ship makes waves. )
there are 2 harbours, Fremantle Sailing Club and Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour in Fremantle. Fishing boat harbour is the restaurant area on the ground. It seems the busy place and I think it is for tourists cause of I recommend to go to Fremantle Sailing Club if you want to get fuel or diesel. Also, I strongly recommend going to the bar! You might be impressed by the wood Shields. As well as, you can talk or ask about water condition as a visitor to other sailors from the sailing club at the bar. They are kindness.
When you are going to te island, you need to pay the island admission fee, AU$25.
And now, the boat needs admission fee as well…? (I can not see the site because of the island is the restricted area by COVID-19.
If you don’t wanna pay anything, I recommend going to Garden island instead of Rottnest island. Garden Island is mooring..(not sure exactly) I just know there is no toilet, shower and any freshwater, there is a beautiful beach only in Garden island.
The distance of Fremantle to Longreach is about 12nm.
We did log in on Fremantle Sea rescue and told what about time are we arriving. It is the participation type of rescue. The sea rescue is doing for 24 hours. When we arrive next place that we told, we need to log off. However, besides, the sea rescue office is close at 6 pm (5 pm?). When your plan of arriving is after 6 pm, they will contact you and told about VHF channel number for the night or so before the office is close. Perhaps, they tell that you don’t need to log off.
You don’t have to join although I recommend to join it because if you got an emergency accident they would help you.
The wind is getting strong in the afternoon southwesterly, it is called Fremantle Doctor by local people. When are departing Fremantle, it was around 11 am. We sailed for 2 hours, at first, there was no wind on the ocean. The speed of Sea Monkey is around 2 knots! And then, the wind was getting strong, it was one of the greatest weather for sailing. The wind was around 17knot and waves are about 0.5m. Sea Monkey ran between 5-6 knots beautifully. I think this sailing is my best 10 of sailing in the world!
After arriving Longreach bay, we moored the lent buoy, and we set up a dingy for 2 hours under the strong sunshine…
We did sail for 2 hours, then, we did set up dingy for 2 hours as well.
The reason is why we spent for 2 hours it was the first time of setting up dingy, we checked on google and we set up on the sailboat.
Anyway, we had done our task of the day!
At last, Jodie cooked our dinner when we were relaxing on the boat. It was delicious Tofu Udon. We talked about the plane of the day next and just chatted as usual with the Udon. After dinner, we played card games that Ashvin brought then slept under the stars.
(Photos are bellow of the Japanese sentences)
(The worldもここに停まってて、感動しました!The worldについてはそのうち)
余談ですが、FremantleにはFremantle Fishing boat HarbourとFremantle Saiing Clubがあり、ボートハーバーは観光向けでレストラン等があり、ガヤガヤしてます。もし、落ち着いた雰囲気をお望みならセイリングクラブをお勧めします。セイリングクラブをお立ち寄りの場合は、是非、バーまで足を運んでみてください。サイン入りアメリカズカップ選手の上着(musto)や表彰盾があります。あと、いつも飲んでるヨットマン達がいると思うので、近くの水域情報等が聞けたりします。彼らはいつもいます。いっつも。その理由はいつか話しましょう。
フリーマントルから離れる前にFremantle sea rescueへ無線でログインします。ログイン時に到着予定地と予定時刻を伝えます。事務所が6時でクローズしてしまいます。クローズ前に現在地や生存確認的な連絡と夜間時のVHFチャンネル番号を教えてくれます。ログオフ不要の場合もありますが、これはその日の当番によると思うので、彼らの指示に従ってください。
Fremantle Sea Rescueは日本でゆうBanみたいなもので、任意加入です。sea rescueは24時間体制なので、私は加入をお勧めします。
さて、この日の風は17knts前後で波もほぼなく、まさに絶好のセイリング日和。と言いたかったですが、フリーマントルを出るときは風がほぼなく、我々は2knotsで帆走してました。風がないときはもう、諦めるしかないんです。しかし、フリーマントル特有の風、フリーマントルドクター(南西の風)のお出ましでSea Monkeyは5-6knoで帆走!

Fremantle to Rottnest island











Fremantle Sea Rescue:
Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour:
Fremantle Sailing Club:
Rottnest Island:
Fremantle Doctor: