One day, who did departure to seven seas with sailboat. There are lot of amazing treasures and who might have faced crisis on the ocean,
Have you seen 8m waves? Have you been in the 50 knots winds?
Sometimes there is too dangerous.
Why we are going there again? ……because the ocean gives dream, like freedom, and inspirations.
I still remember the first time of sailing and how I was impressed by white big sails.
(I can not stop talking how much I love sailing.)
Anyway, here is the introduction.
This exhibition is by 3 painters as well as they are sailors.
You would feel sea breeze in the gallery.
Perhaps it is somewhere in Japan.
Perhaps it is in your country.
Let’s have a check.
【Date and Time】
5th – 9th of Feb.
12pm to 7pm
10th of Feb (final day)
12pm – 4pm
〒107−0062 東京都港区南青山3−8−5 M385Bldg#11
Gallery Hare
#11 M385 building, 3-8-5, Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107−0062
Phone: 090-1033-4760