When I met Kylie Forth, it touched my heart.

(It is only before sailing)

Kylie Forth is one of famous sailor in Australia. Also she is the member of Royal Perth Yacht Club. Her male friend said she is attractive and he got power from her. Kylie lost her sight at aged 3 and her right leg at aged 9 by cancer.
“I’ve been skydiving and all sorts of random things but when I discovered sailing, I found my passion,” she said.
It is same of me. I tried most things on my life and sailing is my passion.
Kylie and I love feeling the winds on the water.
If you are first language is English , please read here.
Happy to be lost at see by Kate Ferguson (The West Australian)
Kylie’s the skipper of her blind sailing team by Vision Australia
She usually goes to sail race on Wednesday afternoon and her team, Lost at see, practices on Sunday morning.
I went to the Royal Perth Yacht Club on Wednesday afternoon.
My first impression of her is ‘laughing’, she always laughs that gives me peace of mind. Perhaps, she would know I was nervous so she laughed for me.
Whereas I’m impressed by her environment that all of sailors at the yacht club love her as well as they are happy to help.
Kylie organises Facebook page, Lost at See.
You can see what they did and what they will.
In the near future, I would like to take photos again on Sunday morning.
毎週水曜日、ケイリーはレースに出る。 毎週日曜日、彼女のチームは練習に出る。