Aya Scape
Aya received a 35 mm film camera as a gift from her mother when she was aged 9. She was born and educated in Japan. She left her country to expand her horizon and learn about other cultures with photography. She embarked on a sailing expedition commencing in the Mediterranean Sea and finishing in Japan. Her photography is inspired by the people and cultures she encountered as well as the landscape, sky and water. To progress her skills and abilities in photography she enrolled at North Metropolitan TAFE in Perth, Australia.
Her works were acknowledged with a silver prize at the Fuji Film Contest in Japan, a silver distinction award and a silver award at the Australian Professional Photographer Awards in Australia. She held solo exhibitions in Tokyo, Japan and Perth, Australia. The Hospital Art Association recognised her work and selected pieces to display in a hospital.

2011年 ヨットに乗り込み旅に出る
2014年 富士フィルムコンテスト 銀賞
2015年 ヨット旅をテーマに写真展「空とヨットと時々わたし」展 を東京で開催
2017年 オーストラリアへ渡り写真を学ぶ
2018年 Australian Professional Photography Awards 銀賞
2019年 トニー・ヒューイットがスポンサーになり写真展「LIVE FOR…」をパースで開催
NMTAFEスポンサーの元 写真展「Invisible Memories」パースで開催
2020年 5月に「Invisible Memories」東京で開催予定